3 Causes Of Your Dog's Bad Breath

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Your dog is most likely part of your family, but you may not realize this family member needs as much medical and dental care as your human family members. Although most dogs' breath is not pleasant, constant foul breath may be a sign of an underlying condition that needs to be addressed by a veterinarian. With this guide, you will learn a few common reasons your dog has foul breath.

Gum Disease

Reducing the risk of decay and gum disease requires proper brushing and professional cleanings. You may realize these steps are important for protecting your own oral health, but you may not realize these steps are essential for protecting your dog from decay and gum disease.

While shocking to learn, periodontal disease is one of the most common disorders that affects adult dogs. It is caused by an excess of plaque and bacteria that spreads from the teeth to the gum tissue. Other than foul breath, dogs with gum disease may have swollen and bleeding gum tissue. They may also have one or more loose teeth, which will eventually fall out.

Kidney Disease

Another common cause of constant bad breath is kidney disease. As with humans, the kidneys are an essential part of filtering out waste and toxins from the body. If the kidneys are no longer working because of disease or complete failure, the toxins will build up in the body, making your dog very ill.

If your dog's breath smells like urine, it is most likely because they have an issue affecting their kidneys. Your dog may also begin vomiting frequently because their kidneys are failing, which can cause their breath to smell acidic. Diarrhea, frequent urination, and urine that is tinged with blood are also common signs of a kidney problem.


Finally, the constant foul breath may also indicate your dog has diabetes. In these cases, dogs will have breath that has an odor that is sweet or fruity, but not very pleasant.

The sweet and fruity odor is caused by the buildup of ketones in the blood, which affect your dog's saliva, leading to the change in your dog's breath.

Other signs of diabetes include frequent urination, excess drinking, and fatigue.

If your dog has diabetes and it goes untreated, it can lead to kidney failure, which is life-threatening.

It is important to remember that most dogs will have unappealing breath. However, certain odors may indicate a more dangerous illness that requires medical treatment. 
